Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

On Wednesday, March 25th, Marc and I celebrated 3 years of marriage. Yay! So, Happy Anniversary, Marc! I love you! We've had a busy week, and Marc's actually out of town for the weekend, so we celebrated our anniversary with dinner out on Tuesday.

We went to Rockfish Seafood Grill @ The Streets of Southpoint (thanks for the coupon, Tiffany!). We enjoyed a nice bottle of wine, great dinner, and the most scrumptious slice of Key Lime Pie. Yummy!

Rockfish Seafood Grill

Love of my Life...

Self Portrait


Wednesday, we hosted our Life Group at our house. Dave Ramsey is just awesome. He makes things sound so simple! And I understand that the concepts are, indeed, simple, but he just says them in a way that everyone can comprehend! Love Financial Peace!


So, on Thursday morning, I woke to a little discomfort on my right side of my mouth. Not a big deal, I figured it would go away. I swished with some Listerine and also some salt water throughout the day. No big deal, except that it kept getting more uncomfortable as the day progressed. I called to ensure I could see my awesome doctor before the weekend, and got an appointment for today at 12:00.

Well, when I woke up this morning, the 'slight' swelling that definitely increased to extremely swollen, and extremely uncomfortable. Still haven't felt any pain, but it's just been a bother. Well, the infection finally started draining around 10 a.m., so the swelling went down significantly. It was so swollen when I woke up this morning, that it was pulling the right side of my mouth down. Pretty bad, even for me. This picture is me right before I went in to see the doctor. If you look at the left side of my face at my jaw line, you can see the swelling. Normally, my face is symmetrical, so you can see that it's not exactly normal. Dr. V drained and flushed the incision, which is where the infection is, and placed a pack in, like he did on the other side. He is just so nice! He really feels bad that I'm having so much trouble! It's pretty typical for me, though, so I'm not too surprised! My face is closer to normal, now, but I'll spare you the photos!

I hope you've had a wonderful day! I'm off to bed to finish watching the Duke/Villanova game! =.)

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God." ~ Philippians 1:9-11

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