So, I unlock the door, put down all my junk, let Ace into their room - all the while leaving the back door open so Paisley can just walk in when she's ready - and I go back out to the car to get some more groceries. Still, Paisley's just sitting there, looking at me like she's lost her best friend. I go over to her and squat down and she ssslllooooowwwllllyy gets up and walks to me. No waggy butt, no "I'm so glad you're home, Mama." Nothing. I finally get her inside so I can check her out, and she's got a spot on her belly about the size of two golf balls. It's not bloody, just really red, like a rash, oozing, and swollen. She just looked at me with this "Please make it stop, Mama" face, and she broke my heart.
What do I do first? Call my Mama - she's had plenty of experience with sick animals, and she'll KNOW what to do. Besides, she's my Mama, and Marc was helping a friend, so I knew he couldn't be there as quickly as her. She comes over, helps me get some neosporin on her belly, and give her 2 Benadryl with some peanut butter. I had a revelation, realized that her vet stays open until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, call 'em up and make her an appointment for 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday. She was due for a check-up, anyways.
I took her in this morning, and she was already doing just so much better. Dr. Konvalinka said it looks like she had something scrape her pretty hard. He gave me some "doggie IB Profen" for the pain, and said to call him and let him know how she's doing on Friday. I love him! He's just such a GREAT vet. He is Mama's vet, too, but I'll have to tell later about her story with Dixie, and what he did to save her life last year. Just in case you didn't catch on, he's wonderful! =.)
Paisley is such a People Dog. She loves people. She was crawling all over the them kisses and her little nub was wagging like crazy. All the ladies at the vet love her. One receptionist checked us in, and a different one checked us out. Apparently, word got out at the vet that she was a sweet girl, and the receptionist that checked us out wanted to come see her. Paisley just loved all the attention.
Ace was left at home, by himself. Marc took Paisley home, and he called to tell me that he's thinks Ace missed Paisley, because he was giving her kisses when she got home. He's usually not that "lovey" towards Paisley. He usually wants all the attention.
Anyways...if you're not a pet person, you probably hated this post, and I'm sorry. But my dogs are my kids, and they're special. =.)